Sunday, April 21, 2019

Python Tricks Pdf

Title: Python Tricks Pdf A Buffet of Awesome Python Features

“I don’t even feel like I’ve scratched the surface of what I can do with Python”

With Python Tricks: The Book you’ll discover Python’s best practices and the power of beautiful & Pythonic code with simple examples and a step-by-step narrative.

You'll get one step closer to mastering Python, so you can write beautiful and idiomatic code that comes to you naturally.

Learning the ins and outs of Python is difficult—and with this book you'll be able to focus on the practical skills that really matter. Discover the “hidden gold” in Python’s standard library and start writing clean and Pythonic code today.

Who Should Read This Book:

  • If you’re wondering which lesser known parts in Python you should know about, you’ll get a roadmap with this book. Discover cool (yet practical!) Python tricks and blow your coworkers’ minds in your next code review.
  • If you’ve got experience with legacy versions of Python, the book will get you up to speed with modern patterns and features introduced in Python 3 and backported to Python 2.
  • If you’ve worked with other programming languages and you want to get up to speed with Python, you’ll pick up the idioms and practical tips you need to become a confident and effective Pythonista.
  • If you want to make Python your own and learn how to write clean and Pythonic code, you’ll discover best practices and little-known tricks to round out your knowledge.

What Python Developers Say About The Book:

"I kept thinking that I wished I had access to a book like this when I started learning Python many years ago." — Mariatta Wijaya, Python Core Developer

"This book makes you write better Python code!" — Bob Belderbos, Software Developer at Oracle

"Far from being just a shallow collection of snippets, this book will leave the attentive reader with a deeper understanding of the inner workings of Python as well as an appreciation for its beauty." — Ben Felder, Pythonista

"It's like having a seasoned tutor explaining, well, tricks!" — Daniel Meyer, Sr. Desktop Administrator at Tesla Inc.

Good intermediate level book If you are programming in Python, doing a lot of cut and paste and not fully understand what you are doing, this book may be for you. If you are looking to do to the next level without becoming a complete expert, this book may be for you. If you want a comprehensive book however, this book is not for you. But for those striving to have an intermediate level of ability, this is a great book.Great resource for intermediate Python users to round out their knowledge of the language I consider myself an 'early intermediate' Pythonista, with about three years of self-taught experience in the language, bolstered by all the good resources out there online. I first ran across Dan's page/blog through a Twitter link, I think, and have really enjoyed his Python Tricks emails. Some of them aren't news to me, but there have been multiple instances where they've given me a key insight into the behavior of Python, or an idea that's helped me improve my projects.As he notes in the Introduction, this book grew out of the Python Tricks emails, and it really shows. Dan has a knack for constructing code snippets that illustrate Python concepts in very few lines, and also for writing extremely clear descriptions of why they behave as they do. Further, even though Dan has years of Python experience, it seems clear to me he hasn't lost the sense of the ways in which Python can be confusing to new learners. I've only sampled here and there from his Buffet at this point, but have already gained two new concrete pieces of knowledge: bytearrays are mutable whereas bytes are not; and all it takes to create an abstract base class is to use metaclass=ABCMeta and decorate as needed with @abstractmethod. Even though I'd looked at the Python documentation for both of these before, I never quite understood either of them. But, Dan's phrasing and presentation made them crystal clear on my first read.One additional thing I like about the book is how Dan has included bits and pieces of his philosophy on Python, programming, writing good code, etc. Some people might be turned off by the editorializing, I suppose, but I really appreciate that the book provides these sorts of "meta" perspectives.All in all, an excellent resource for someone with modest to moderate Python experience looking to round out their knowledge of some of the more subtle features/behaviors of the language.A quick read to fill in any gaps in your python knowledge I'm an advanced python user and have worked at several startups, Google, and Microsoft, but I still found several tips in here that were new to me, and many others that I only knew because I'd learned them from colleagues when I worked at Google. For instance, I would usually just define an __str__ method on my custom classes and be lazy and not implement __repr__. But the book points out that if you want be lazy, just define __repr__ alone, as the default behavior of __str__ will call your __repr__ function anyway. I should have known this already but somehow it's a little thing I had missed when learning python. There are lots of bits of info like this: some you'll probably already know, but you might be surprised by a couple little tricks.One outstanding feature of the book is a short recap after each section, giving simple rules of thumb to to follow. This cleared up a lot of uncertainty for me about some python best practices. I really like the book "Fluent Python" as well, but this one has more simple and practical suggestions and was a very quick read.Highly recommended!

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Tags: B0785Q7GSY pdf,Python Tricks pdf,A Buffet of Awesome Python Features pdf,ebook,Dan Bader,Python Tricks: A Buffet of Awesome Python Features,Dan Bader (,Computers / Programming Languages / Python,Education / Computers & Technology

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