Title: Lettering and Modern Calligraphy Pdf A Beginner's Guide
Author: Paper Peony Press
Published Date: 2017-10-27
Page: 112
Learn to letter!
Learn to letter and create beautiful designs with this beginner's guide and workbook! Every page is filled with tips, tricks encouragement and practice space to kickstart your lettering journey! Learn 5 different alphabet styles, upper and lower case letters, practice connections and dive into design and composition with this beautiful lettering book. At the end of this book, there are also 15 beautiful lettering projects to help you bring together your knowledge and skill and help you begin to create beautiful works of art! You can do this!! Let us teach you how to upgrade your handwriting and learn this amazing and fun form of art
The Book Contains:
- Learn five different alphabet styles
- Upper and lower case letters
- Detailed instructions
- 15 beautiful lettering projects
Thin Paper... I am using a brush pen to practice and the paper is so thin that it is bleeding through onto the next practice page. You would think the would have used thicker paper knowing it was a practice book.Good for Beginners and those wanting to learn more about hand lettering/modern calligraphy Basically I have the artistic ability of a remote control LOL I have always wanted to learn how to write in a pretty way. I’ve tried official classic calligraphy and that was a nightmare. But then I started seeing a lot of stuff on Instagram and online about hand lettering and a new way of doing calligraphy. So my interest was definitely piqued. After quite a bit of research I found this book online and immediately bought it. I think this book is good for somebody like myself. A beginner with or without artistic talent. I bought myself a “Tombow beginNer “ Kit with pen, pencil, eraser, etc. I also got myself a notebook that I could practice in. I must say I became particularly motivated after realizing I could do this. While I’m not going to post any images because nobody needs to laugh that hard. LOL I believe with some practice I can be kind of good. I could make pretty envelopes, make signs, etc. etc. goodness knows I will never have a career or 1 million followers on Instagram for my lettering skills, but it’s nice to learn something new and put the creative side of my brain to work. If you want to learn about lettering and hand calligraphy, amp up the way you write/draw your letters, further your skills, etc. this book is quite useful. If you are more advanced you might not get as much out of it. It may be a tad bit of a disappointment if you are definitely advanced/more creative than somebody like me LOL But it would definitely make a good gift for somebody who has shown interest in lettering/calligraphy. I was going to buy the e-book version but for something like this I really like having the book right there in front of me. Plus there is practice space in the book. After I’ve used up that space I go onto my grid styled black-and-white hard covered notebook. I like keeping everything in one notebook so as to watch my progression or regression if I wait too long in between practice sessions. So practice practice practice that’s the only way to make it to Carnegie Hall and that’s the only way to become a lettering guru!This company also puts out other books that are quite awesomeI’ve NEVER done hand lettering or bullet journaling— 100% beginner and I love this book! I just got this book today and I’ve been having so much fun!! I think this book is an amazing deal for just $7! I haven’t gotten my brush pens yet so I’ve just been doing simple hand lettering with a mechanical pencil. Still super fun! Hat I recommend, and I didn’t do sadly, is to take pictures of the pages before you start writing in them or scan them so you can print them out and use them again if you want. Personally I forgot to do this but I don’t think it’s 100% necessary anyway because you can always get an extra notebook and trace! Anyway, am loving this book so far!
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Tags: 1948209004 pdf,Lettering and Modern Calligraphy pdf,A Beginner's Guide pdf,Paper Peony Press,Lettering and Modern Calligraphy: A Beginner's Guide: Learn Hand Lettering and Brush Lettering,Paper Peony Press,1948209004,Nonfiction,Art / Techniques / Pen & Ink Drawing
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