Sunday, September 25, 2016

Introduction to Meta-Analysis Kindle Edition

Introduction to Meta-Analysis Kindle Edition
Author: Michael Borenstein ID: B00HCCX2N6

File Size: 6348 KBPrint Length: 450 pagesPublisher: Wiley; 2 edition (August 24, 2011)Publication Date: August 24, 2011 Sold by:  Digital Services, Inc. Language: EnglishID: B00HCCX2N6Text-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled Word Wise: Not EnabledLending: Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled Best Sellers Rank: #333,227 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #18 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Science > Biological Sciences > Biology > Biostatistics #50 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Medical eBooks > Research #201 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Biostatistics
Meta-analysis is becoming more and more important in medical research. In my current job I am working on two projects where I am constructing meta-analyses. The pioneering book on this topic was the book by Hedges and Olkin which was the first to put statistical rigor to research synthesis which had previously been done using very ad hoc methods. I have in the past had experience with using published p-values for combination in meta-analysis. It has been more than twenty years since that book came out. You can look a my listmania on meta-analysis to see the various books thyat are currently on the market. Many are theoretical but do not give a good feel for applications. Various approaches have been proposed. There are texts on Bayesian meta-analyse and meta-analyses based on the profile likelihood approach. Some cover p-value combination tests. Some cover special topics such as effect size estimation, mixed modeling approaches.

This book is introductory and is written so clearly that it is useful to research statisticians and novices. Anyone interested in learning about meta-analysis can go to this book and learn a lot from it. Its outstanding features include its organization which divides the text into 10 topicla areas. Each area contains several chapters. Each chapter begins with an introduction and ends with a review of keypoints in bullet form. Key equations are laid out in boxes. The writing is clear and concise. Important concepts are covered first. While the coverage emphasizes methods that combine effect sizes from multiple studies the coverage is very comprehensive and all approaches and issues are touched on or discussed in detail.
Download Introduction to Meta-Analysis Kindle Edition Pdf Download


Open for Business: A Practical Guide to Open Source Software Licensing Kindle Edition

Open (Source) for Business: A Practical Guide to Open Source Software Licensing Kindle Edition
Author: Heather Meeker ID: B00XQGAK7S

File Size: 4952 KBPrint Length: 362 pagesSimultaneous Device Usage: UnlimitedPublication Date: May 14, 2015 Sold by:  Digital Services, Inc. Language: EnglishID: B00XQGAK7SText-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled Word Wise: EnabledLending: Not Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled Best Sellers Rank: #225,441 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #19 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Law > Intellectual Property #115 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Industries > Information Management #149 in Books > Law > Intellectual Property

If you want to understand and speak the open source lingo fluently, then Meeker’s latest The Open (Source) for Business is your resource. It unassumingly starts by explaining the basics of software. Then, helpfully dives into open source basics and related intellectual property issues. And, before you know it, you will find yourself enjoying what Meeker does best: skillfully dissecting and organizing much more advanced open sources concepts and problems in the context of corporate merger and acquisitions, litigation, and government regulations. Don’t be surprised if you end up loving the book just a little too much (despite the notoriously unsexy subject matter)! Meeker’s well-written, practical, and approachable book is an opportunity to re-discover your nerdy virtues as you become proficient in open source concepts. At the end of this enjoyable ride, anticipating, navigating, and addressing open source issues will be one of many benefits obtained from reading this book.

The other mainstream books on the subject of Open Source and Licensing are a decade old. This new 2015 book not only covers subjects that have come up since then, but also new ways of thinking and the modern terminology.

Thanks to the ubiquity of open source software today, every technology lawyer will, at some point, have to understand the basics of open source licensing. This book is a great introduction and handy reference that provides both a high level introduction to how the most common open source licenses work, and also practical guidance for common open source issues (both legal and business). Sure, all this information can be found scattered about the web, but you want to pay both for the convenience of having it between two covers and for the expert curation provided by Ms. Meeker, who is among the most respected lawyers in the field.
-Fred von Lohmann, Legal Director, Copyright, Google Inc.

Open Source for Business A Practical Guide to Open Open Source for Business A Practical Guide to Open Source Software Licensing Heather Meeker Format Kindle Edition Verified PurchaseProducing Open Source Software O Reilly Media O Reilly has put together Producing Open Source Software a guide that practical advice on how to set up and use a range of tools in combination with open The Librarian s Legal Companion for Licensing GPL and Other Open Source Software 314The Lesser as a practical reference guide guide as a manual of key licensing concepts for

Download Open for Business: A Practical Guide to Open Source Software Licensing Kindle Edition Free PDF
